
Web 3.0 Portal

Galleria Perpetua aims to refine the synergy and collaboration between artists and brands, actively contributing to developing NFT projects through tailor-made proposals that conform to the company's vision and enhance the skills of the selected artists.

Better Call GP

Becoming a collector is more than a simple investment, it means supporting artists and pursuing your own aesthetic philosophy, starting a path immersed in art. The Galleria Perpetua Team, thanks to its experience based on the daily study of the digital art market, will help you create your personal collection, directing your investments towards the works and artists closest to your inclinations and interests.

Digital showcase

The eyes of Galleria Perpetua are always looking for new works but something could escape us! If you are an artist or a collector interested in giving even more visibility to your works you can count on all our properties. Choose whether to appear among our 'Featured' artists or among the works selected on the site, or more simply on our social channels. We will be ready to tell you about our community with editorial proposals dedicated to you.


Galleria Perpetua guides its community of artists by helping them in the choice of the most valid projects and in the positioning of their works on the best digital art marketplaces.

Would you like to know more?

Write to us to find out how you can join Galleria Perpetua.

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Contact us and find out how
to be part of Galleria Perpetua.

GalleriaPerpetua S.r.l.
Registerd office in Brescia, Via Tosio, 27

P.IVA: 04452240981

cap.sociale 10.000 €.

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